Taking an international vacation can sometimes be quite expensive, but thanks to the variance in exchange rates with the dollar, your budget can go further in some countries than others. Surprisingly, in times of economic uncertainty, traveling can actually be a bargain if you know where the exchange rate works in your favor. Here are some great places to go where your dollars stretch further than ever, and you can have the vacation of your dreams at a price you never thought possible.
A top destination for vacationers trying to maximize their resources, Argentina’s picturesque cities and European flair make it, unlike any other country in South America. Whether going through the various and diverse neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, experiencing the fertile plains of the Pampa at the Lihue Calel National Park, or scheduling a tasting tour through the wine country of Mendoza, Argentina is a wonderful place to spend a vacation. Argentina’s exchange rate remains at about 8:1, so it’s an excellent place to get more for your dollars!
Costa Rica
Costa Rica remains a favorite among Americans leveraging the power of their dollars. Whether going for an adventure in the rainforest or scuba diving through some of the clearest, bluest waters in the world, a Costa Rican vacation is a way to enjoy the wonders of nature in one of the most picturesque regions in the world. With an exchange rate of about 500 Colon to one dollar, Costa Rica is also a very affordable place to take a vacation. Another advantage is the convenience to air travel with a number of American carriers serving the region.
In Europe, one of the best places to visit is where your dollar goes further than before in Greece. Home to some of the most famous sites in the ancient world, there are countless things to see and do in Greece. Outside the capital are countless hotels and resorts that line against the Aegean sea, and it’s not uncommon to have hotels just a few yards away from the beachfront. Many restaurants (tavernas) await, allowing visitors to try the delicious local fare. Due to the state of the economy in Greece, it’s now one of the most inexpensive places to visit in Europe in terms of stretching your dollar. The only downside, of course, is crossing the Atlantic to get there, which adds considerable cost to the trip.
Closer to home, one of the best vacation spots for Americans to maximize the value of their dollar is just south of the border: Mexico has many areas that are perennial favorite vacation spots due to its rich history, friendly people, and closeness to its northern neighbor. Mexico’s economic relation to the dollar works out very well for American tourists looking to stretch the value of their money. Often, people vacationing in Palmilla Los Cabos can spot celebrities relaxing as they vacation on one of the many quiet waterfront resorts there. The vacation homes of Los Cabos, for example, often include personal chefs, butlers, and grocery service, giving you the best prices on food without having to find a local store, although there are also American-style malls for shopping.