Getting a babysitter can be a difficult decision for a lot of parents. Many parents will struggle to find the right person, and even when they do, they will have a difficult time leaving their children alone with a babysitter.
There are a lot of things parents can do to make leaving the children with a babysitter easier for everyone. One thing parents can do is to have some ideas and plans for activities that the babysitter can do with the kids. This will ensure that everyone will have fun, even while mom and dad are away. Here are six great activities parents can plan for babysitters.
Pick out a few good movies
Movies are a great way to keep kids of all ages entertained with little effort from the babysitter. Parents can use this resource to pick out a few movies that they approve of and have them ready for the babysitter. This is a great fallback option to use when the kids get bored of everything else or should be settling down before going to bed at night.
Set up a coloring station
Coloring is another great activity that can be easily controlled. It is also a great activity that both engages a child’s creative mind and helps to keep them quiet, even if it is just for a short period of time. Parents can give their kids all the supplies they need to create a masterpiece, as well as a safe place to make it that will not create a big mess.
Clean up the backyard for some outdoor fun
Letting the kids run around in the backyard is one of the best ways for them to burn their energy and enjoy the nice weather. Parents can clean up the backyard area and rid it of anything potentially hazardous to create a safe environment for their kids to play in.
Have them host a talent show
A fun project that babysitters can help the kids with is hosting their own talent show. Parents can tell their kids to put together a talent show and have it ready when they get home so the kids can show off their best skills. This is a fun activity for both kids and parents to enjoy.
Give them a new puzzle to solve
Puzzles are great for kids for a number of reasons. Puzzles can help kids improve hand-eye coordination, learn to create and problem-solve, and help them develop cognitively. Parents can break out a new puzzle for their kids to start when they are away from home. This can keep everyone in the house entertained for hours.
Prep some no-bake cooking
Baking can be a very fun thing for kids to do. However, baking with hot ovens and stoves can be dangerous for kids. Parents can set up the ingredients for some no-bake recipes that can be just as fun for kids to complete without the potential dangers.